Sunday, January 26, 2025


Mobile Veterinary Services Just a phone call away

Mobile Veterinary Services Just a phone call away

Vaccination of children to be monitored through U-WIN portal

Vaccination of children to be monitored through U-WIN portal

Himachal aims to switch to green energy by 2025

Himachal aims to switch to green energy by 2025

Concrete and effective efforts of double engine government ensuring Har Khet Ko Paani in Himachal

Concrete and effective efforts of double engine government ensuring Har Khet Ko Paani in Himachal

Sincere efforts of government brought prosperity to thousands of women in Himachal

Sincere efforts of government brought prosperity to thousands of women in Himachal

Mukhya Mantri Ek Bigha Yojna ensuring Socio-economic upliftment of women

Mukhya Mantri Ek Bigha Yojna ensuring Socio-economic upliftment of women

16.51 lakh households in rural areas of Himachal getting fresh drinking water free of cost

16.51 lakh households in rural areas of Himachal getting fresh drinking water free of cost

Optimum use of IT brings revolutionary reforms in governance in HP

Optimum use of IT brings revolutionary reforms in governance in HP

Welfare schemes of Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board proving to be a boon for the workers

Welfare schemes of Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board proving to be a boon for the workers

State government ensuring Food security and quality food grains to all

State government ensuring Food security and quality food grains to all

Welfare schemes of Double engine government proving beneficial for Himachal

Gender Budget Statement to play pivotal role in ensuring gender equity to women

Gender Budget Statement to play pivotal role in ensuring gender equity to women

State's first Biodiversity Park to contribute in conservation of endangered Himalayan Herbs

Himachal to become a fruit state with HP SHIVA

Renuka ji Dam Project to play an important role in drinking water supply and hydro power generation

Renuka ji Dam Project to play an important role in  drinking water supply and hydro power generation

Himachal achieves new strides in providing potable tapped water

With the view to provide universal coverage of water supply to all households through functional taps, the centre Government had announced Jal Jeevan Mission. 

State government striving hard to take up pursuit of yoga amongst masses

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice, which not only gives peace, confidence and strength, but also connects humans with nature.

State government striving hard to take up pursuit of yoga amongst masses

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice, which not only gives peace, confidence and strength, but also connects humans with nature.

State government striving hard to take up pursuit of yoga amongst masses

Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice, which not only gives peace, confidence and strength, but also connects humans with nature.

Efforts of State Government succeed in saving Golden Mahseer from brink of extinction

Efforts of State Government succeed in saving Golden Mahseer from brink of extinction

State Government through its conservation plan launched to save endangered Golden Mahseer from the brink of extinction has succeeded in improving the status of this specie in the rivers and reservoirs of Himachal Pradesh.

State Government giving thrust to make Himachal investor friendly state

State Government giving thrust to make Himachal investor friendly state

 The State Government is committed towards sustainable development of the State and is making all out efforts to strengthen the industries sector, as industry plays a pivotal role in the sustainable development.

Government succeeded in providing shelter to 15177 destitute animals in state

Government succeeded in providing shelter to 15177 destitute animals in state

The state government is taking various initiatives for the protection, rehabilitation and providing shelter to the cattle that were abandoned by their owners in various parts of state. 

State Government determined for socio-economic development of fishermen

 State Government determined for socio-economic development of fishermen

  • Govind Sagar Reservoir to improve income of 3963 fishermen 

State Government is determined for socio-economic development of fishermen, earning their livelihood through Govind Sagar reservoir on river Sutlej. 

Solar pumps irrigation schemes proving beneficial to farmers of state

 Solar pumps irrigation schemes proving beneficial to farmers of state

The state government has taken several steps to achieve the Prime Minister's goal of doubling farmers' income by 2022. Every possible effort is being made by the state government to strengthen the economy of farmers and horticulturist. 

Efforts of State Government strengthens Agriculture Sector

 Efforts of State Government strengthens Agriculture Sector

  • Lakhs of farmers receive subsidy of crores under various schemes

Agriculture has a major contribution in economy of the State. About 90 percent population of the state is residing in rural areas, out of which 62 percent are associated with agriculture activities and are dependent on agriculture for living.

DAY-NULM proving a boon to urban poor households

 DAY-NULM proving a boon to urban poor households

Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana­-National Urban Livelihood Mission (DAY-NULM) is proving beneficial for upliftment of the socio-economic urban poor households by empowering them to ingress self-employment and skilled remuneration employment opportunities in the state.

State Centre on climate change maps snow cover in the State

State Centre on climate change maps snow cover in the State


Ever since the inception  of the State Centre on Climate Change under the aegis of the HP Council for Science Technology and Environment (HIMCOSTE) by the Government of Himachal Pradesh, the Centre has been involved in undertaking various studies to  understand the  impact of climate change on its various facets.

100 Panchvati parks and gardens to provide recreational space to elderly

100 Panchvati parks and gardens to provide recreational space to elderly

The senior citizens of the state have a lot to cheer about as the state government has started process to set up 100 Panchvati parks and gardens for creating recreational space for the elderly in all 78 blocks of the rural areas of the state.

Himachalis stranded abroad rescued by sincere efforts of State Government

Himachalis stranded abroad rescued by sincere efforts of State Government

One of the most effective measures undertaken to provide relief to people stranded at various locations abroad during COVID-19 pandemic is the operation of flights under Vande Bharat Mission by the Centre Government.

Mukhya Mantri Swavalamban Yojana becoming a major source of self-employment for educated unemployed youth

Mukhya Mantri Swavalamban Yojana becoming a major source of self-employment for educated unemployed youth

Mukhya Mantri Swavalamban Yojana (MMSY) has become an primary part of the life of the educated unemployed youth in district Hamirpur.

Environment, Science and Technology plans to undertake mapping of glacial lakes

 Environment,  Science and Technology  plans to undertake mapping of glacial lakes

State Government has been very proactive to mitigate the climate induced hazards and undertaking various studies to understand the threat arising out of the climate change.

Himachal tops in recovery of corona patients

Himachal tops in recovery of corona patients

It is a matter of pride for Himachal Pradesh that it has succeeded in controlling the epidemic to a greater extent as compared to neighbouring states as well as many other large states of the country in fighting the Corona virus. 

6.82 lakh quintal peas and other off season vegetables sent to neighbouring states during lockdown

 6.82 lakh quintal peas and other off season vegetables sent to neighbouring states during lockdown
  • Kisan Rath App launched by Government to facilitate farmers
  • About 35164 quintal seeds of rice, maize, sorghum and bajra made available at subsidised rate

 Facilitating the farmers is among the foremost priorities of the State Government. Several schemes have been launched by the Government for the welfare of the farmers and to prevent them from economic loss.

MNREGA uplift the spirit of Tribals of Kinnaur

MNREGA uplift the spirit of Tribals of Kinnaur

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGA) has enabled a jump in earnings and created much needed useful assets for villagers in Tribal regions of the state which have undergone a huge transformation in terms of development. 

Himachal Government assists 1.40 lakh stranded people to come back to state

Himachal Government assists 1.40 lakh stranded people to come back to state

Amid the corona-virus-triggered lockdown, when lakhs of people who lost their jobs, were finding it hard to sustain their livelihood and were eager to return to their homeland, 

Mobile revolution reaches fields in Corona era

Mobile revolution reaches fields in Corona era

Issues of farmers being redressed through WhatsApp

  • About 5676 farmers have been linked  with 94 agricultural WhatsApp groups in State

While the entire world is affected by the corona pandemic, the farmers of the state have taken it as an opportunity as they have involved themselves in their fields and orchards in this period.

Work resumes in 33 ongoing water supply schemes amid COVID-19

 Work resumes in 33 ongoing water supply schemes amid COVID-19

Water is most precious commodity on earth with its myriad uses to support the system and life on this planet. Clean and safe drinking water is critical to sustain human life and it has become more relevant today as COVID-19 pandemic has spread its deadly tentacles almost everywhere.

Effective steps to support fisheries production during the lockdown

Effective steps to support fisheries production during the lockdown

The state government has taken several ambitious steps to promote economic activities in the state during COVID-19. Special efforts are being made for development in Micro, Small and Medium enterprises, Horticulture, Agriculture and allied sectors in the state.

State Government provides assistance to stranded economically weak patient

State Government provides assistance to stranded economically weak patient

Due to nationwide lockdown in the country, large scale migrant workers, tourists, pilgrims and persons employed in private sectors were stranded in different parts of the nation. Some of them had to loose their jobs following closure of industries and companies. 

State Government provides assistance to stranded economically weak patient

State Government provides assistance to stranded economically weak patient

Due to nationwide lockdown in the country, large scale migrant workers, tourists, pilgrims and persons employed in private sectors were stranded in different parts of the nation. Some of them had to loose their jobs following closure of industries and companies. 
